HOT Topic: Achten’s roofers keep busy, stay cool in extreme heat


If you thought your job was tough, try roofing in extreme heat! With the sun beating down on you and no shade, this is probably one of the toughest jobs.

This week, the temperatures in the Pacific Northwest have reached records high, but up on top of a roof, the temperature is much hotter.

“We admit the heat is relentless, but here at Achten’s Quality Roofing we can’t let the heat stop us frHOT Topic: Achten’s roofers keep busy, stay cool in extreme heatom repairing someone’s leaky roof or completing a new installation, said Diane Baker, general manager. If someone needs a new roof or repair, we’re here to fix it!”

Remember keeping a crew safe and productive during the hot summer months is good business practice.

The heat is on, so remember to practice safe roofing to prevent accidents, uphold OSHA guidelines to minimize mishaps that lead to down time, and keep yourself and your crew cool, hydrated and safe.

The crew at Achten’s follows these safety tips to beat the heat and still get the job done.

Crew Tips – WATER!!!

Keep your crew hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke. To prevent heat-related illnesses and possible death, workers should:

  • Access plenty of cool drinking water
  • Take water breaks every few minutes
  • Rest in shade or air conditioning to cool down as needed
  • Wear a hat and light-colored clothing
  • Know heat illness signs and symptoms
  • Report symptoms early and watch out for coworkers
  • Know what to do in an emergency 

Personal Tips

  • Always use correct ladder and secure it.
  • Always use a safety harness with a lanyard anchored to an anchor point.

Call us for a free estimate at 1-800-ROOFTOP (766-3867) or connect with us on social media.